Midday Supervisory Assistant Job Description And Person Specification Page 2


Principal Accountabilities
(in order of importance)
1. Supervision of children in all areas of the school, including the dining
room, play areas, classroom – as directed by either the Senior Midday
Supervisor or the Headteacher in order to ensure the safety and good
behaviour of the children.
2. Supervision of children during the meal to ensure that a good atmosphere
is maintained. Encourage good eating habits and assisting younger
children where necessary.
3. The maintenance of good order at all times to ensure school standards are
adhered with.
4. General assistance in the dining area as necessary, e.g. wiping up
spillages to ensure a safe and ordered environment is maintained at all
5. Supervision of movement of pupils to and from dining room in order to
ensure the safety and well being of the pupils.
6. Set up and clear away tables in dinning room.
Person Specification
This should describe the qualifications, experience, skills and
knowledge which are essential to do the job to a fully competent
1. Empathy with children
Issue Number: 15
Authorised by: Head of HR and OD
Date: 25 January 2012
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