Fremont Community Theatre Scholarship Application And Requirements Page 2


FCT Scholarship Application
If additional space is needed, please use the back of this page or attach a new sheet of paper to
this page.
Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Address: ___________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _______________
Phone: Home ( __ )
Cellular: (____) _________________________
Name of High School: __________________________________________________________
Address of High School: ________________________________________________________
High School Grade Point Average: _________________ Years Attended: _________________
College Attended Previously (If Applicable): ________________________________________
College Grade Point Average (If Applicable): ________________________________________
Awards or Honors Received: _____________________________________________________
Extra-Curricular Activities: _______________________________________________________
College You Will Attend in the Fall: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Major: _________________________________________Year: (Fr., Soph., etc.): ____________
Employment History (If Any): _____________________________________________________
By signing this form, I submit that I am a member in good standing of Fremont Community Teen
Theatre and that I have not been awarded this scholarship in a previous school year.
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent


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