Fundraising Form - Redmond High School


Account #:
Redmond High School
Fundraising Form
A. Request for Pre-Approval of Fundraiser (at least TWO weeks prior to fundraiser)
School: RHS
Group Name: _____________________________________________________
Proposed Fundraising Activity: ________________________________________________________________________
Intended Use of Proceeds: ___________________________________________________________________________
NOTE: If fundraiser is being held for an organization outside of RHS ASB please attach a copy of the name, address, and phone
number of the organization.
Estimated Revenues: $_____________
Estimated Expenses: $_____________
Estimated Profit: $________________
Fundraiser Dates:
Start: _____________
End: _____________
Submitted By: ___________________
Position: ________________________
Date Submitted: __________________
Contact Person: __________________
Email: __________________________
Phone Number: __________________
NOTE: Request must be approved by all signatories BEFORE event can take place.
Team/Club Leader (student): ___________________________
Bookkeeper: __________________________________
Club Advisor (staff): __________________________________
Administrator: ________________________________
ASB Treasurer (student): ______________________________
Activity Coordinator: ___________________________
If declined, reason: _________________________________________________________________________________
B. Steps Following Approval:
Order all needed materials and/or supplies with a “Purchase Order” (PO).
NOTE: PO form can be obtained through the Bookkeeper or ASB Treasurer
If needed, contact and complete a Contract with vendor after obtaining PO approval.
If needed, request a cash box from the Bookkeeper.
Conduct fundraiser, monitoring all cash and goods. Inventory must be kept for goods being sold.
NOTE: An adult must be present throughout all money transactions.
Obtain appropriate record keeping forms from Bookkeeper.
NOTE: An adult must sign the “Cash Box Reconciliation Form.”
Turn all money INTACT into Bookkeeper for deposit. Do not take expenses from monies collected.
If any expenditures were made out of pocket, turn in “Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form” to Bookkeeper.
NOTE: “Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form” has a 30 day deadline from date of purchase to be turned in.
C. Accounting Summary of Fundraiser
Anticipated Revenue (amount you should have collected based on number of sales):
Total Revenue Received:
Total Expenditures (including cost of Goods sold):
Net Profit/Loss (Total Revenue Received – Total Expenditures):
D. Final Approval of Reconciliation
I hereby certify that the above accounting information is complete and accurate:
Team/Club Leader (student): ___________________________
Bookkeeper: __________________________________
Club Advisor (staff): __________________________________
Administrator: ________________________________
ASB Treasurer (student): ______________________________
Activity Coordinator: ___________________________
Once completed, copies to the following:
White: Bookkeeper
Pink: ASB Organization/Club
Yellow: District Accountant


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