Ymca Of Greater Houston Volunteer Application Page 3


Please retain for your records
• Volunteers must treat clients, other volunteers, and staff of all ethnicities, religions, and cultures with respect
and consideration.
• Volunteers must protect the confidentiality of clients and client information at all times.
• Volunteers must clearly identify themselves as YMCA volunteers when working with clients.
• Volunteers should maintain personal boundaries and a clear goal of encouraging clients to attain self-sufficiency
and independence.
• Volunteers must use positive techniques of guidance, including reinforcement and encouragement rather than
competition, comparison, and criticism. Volunteers shall abstain from humiliating or frightening discipline
• Volunteers will not display inappropriate behavior including but not limited to:
1) Physical Abuse – strike, shake, spank, slap
2) Verbal Abuse – humiliate, degrade, threaten, use of profanity
3) Sexual Abuse – including inappropriate touching and exposure
4) Mental Abuse or Neglect
Texas State law requires that any suspicion of abuse or neglect must be reported to the Texas Department of
Regulatory Services and/or a law enforcement agency.
• Volunteers will refrain from intimate displays of affection towards others in the presence of children, parents,
and other volunteers.
• Consuming, possessing, distributing or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.
• Volunteers may not be alone with children that they meet in YMCA programs outside of the YMCA. This
includes, but is not limited to baby-sitting, sleepovers, and inviting children to their home without the child’s
parental/guardian’s permission.
• Volunteers need to track and report all activities and time spent volunteering with YMCA.
When volunteering at the office, please adhere to a business casual dress code and wear your volunteer badge at
all times.
Volunteers and Staff should refrain from wearing the following items while in the office:
Flashy jewelry or makeup
Cargo pants
Inappropriately short skirts or shirts
Low-cut shirts
Shorts or pants that are above the knee
Tennis shoes
Sleeveless shirts
Transparent clothing
Pants or blouses that are too tight


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