Volunteer Application
Thank you for considering the Pittsfield Family YMCA as a place to donate your time and talents. Volunteers are vital to the YMCA.
Without them, we wouldn’t be able to meet the needs of the children, families, and adults who live in our communities.
At the YMCA, we know that your time and talent are precious, and we want every minute you spend with us to be worthwhile. That’s
why we’re asking you to take a few minutes to fill out this application. It will help us begin to make the right match between your skills
and interests and the opportunities available. You will find questions on this form about your background, former residences, places of
employment, and so on. We hope you’ll understand that, unfortunately, there are a few people who apply for volunteer jobs at the
YMCA for the wrong reasons. The YMCA, however, makes an active effort to prevent abuse. So even though we may know you well, we
reserve the right to conduct background and reference checks on all volunteers. It’s just one of the many ways we help protect children
and other vulnerable people served by the YMCA. Thanks for your cooperation in this effort and your interest in the YMCA. If you have
any questions about this or any part of our application process, please contact (name, title, and phone number of person).
Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: _________ Zip: __________________
Phone: Day: __________________________________ Evening: ________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________
How long have you been at this address? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? o Yes o No If so, what was it? _____________________________________________________________
Are you 18 years of age or over? o Yes
o No (If no, please have your parent or guardian sign the application, too.)
Why would you like to volunteer? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you heard about any particular volunteer opportunities that interest you? ________________________________________________________________________
Are there any particular skills, talents, or interests you’d like to share? ___________________________________________________________________________________
What other organizations have you volunteered for, if any? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Business: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: _________ Zip: __________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________ Employment dates (from when to when): ____________________________________________________________
Job title: _________________________________________________ Describe your work: ______________________________________________________________________________________