MMRF Sole Source Justification Checklist
Procurement Regulations, in accordance with MMRF policy, require that material,
equipment, supplies and services be procured via competitive means. However,
MMRF may elect to waive the competitive process and approve sole source
procurement in certain instances, provided the requester can adequately justify
its use.
MMRF’s decision on the reasonability of sole source procurement will be based
on the requester’s investigation, evaluation and documentation of alternate
sources of supply and documentation that rejection of similar products is based
solely on their failure to meet specific and necessary specifications. In cases
where an alternate supplier for a similar product cannot be identified, the
requester must document that a good faith effort has been made to seek other
A list of the unique technical specifications required of the product and the
potential companies contacted in the search for alternate sources is also
The decision whether the MMRF can employ sole source contractors will be
made by MMRF Purchasing and the MMRF Chief Operating Officer upon review
of materials provided by the requesting department.
The attached form with one or more categories completed must be forwarded to
Purchasing when sole source approval is requested for services, equipment and
supplies exceeding $3,000.
Purchases from funding agency approved sub/contract vendors (i.e. Contracts
for Key Personnel at collaborating institutions or other named collaborators or
vendors) are exempted from sole source justification and bidding (evaluation of
those contractors will be made during the proposal preparation process).
Please complete all categories and sections that apply.
Provide full explanation, complete descriptions, and/or list all relevant reasons
where space has been provided. Sole Source Justification forms lacking
sufficient detail cannot be approved.
Sign and date the form.
Improperly completed or unsigned forms may be returned.
Version Date: December 24, 2015