Application To Renew A Certificate Of Entitlement


10 Sin Ming Drive Singapore 575701
Tel: 1800-CALL LTA (1800-2255 582) Fax: (65) 6553 5329
You may take 5 minutes to complete this form. You will need the following information to fill in the form:
• Vehicle registration number
• For vehicle registered under individual: Name of registered owner, NRIC (Singaporean/ Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)) or FIN (Foreigner)
• For vehicle registered under non-individual: Name of Company, ACRA certificate number / Unique Entity Number (UEN), Company Stamp, Particulars [Name, NRIC
(Singaporean / Singapore PR) or FIN (Foreigner)] of Director / Sole Proprietor / Partner whose name is listed in the ACRA printout, or a manager who is authorised in
writing by the named Director(s) / Partner(s) to sign on this Form Q02 on behalf of the company
• Name, NRIC (Singaporean / Singapore PR) or FIN (Foreigner) of the person performing the transaction on behalf of the registered owner (also known as submitter)
• The current COE number and its expiry date, COE rebate(s) to be used, vehicle category and its Prevailing Quota Premium
IMPORTANT: Please read the INSTRUCTIONS overleaf before completing the application form. Application with incorrect or incomplete information will not be accepted.
Part 1: Vehicle Owner’s Particulars
Name of Registered Owner: ______________________________________________________________________________________
FIN / ACRA No. / UEN: __________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2 : Vehicle Details
Vehicle Registration Number:
Current COE No.:
(if applicable)
Expiry Date of Current COE:
Vehicle Category^:
Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D
(Please tick √)
COE Rebate No.
(if applicable)
Total COE Rebate Amount (if applicable): $
COE Renewal Period
Payment Method
Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP) payable: _____________
*Cash / NETS / Cashier’s Order / Cheque
(PQP Month)
*Cashier’s Order / Cheque No.: ________________________________
10 years: $ ______________________
Bank: _____________________
5 years: $ ______________________
If you wish to carry out other vehicle-related transactions after this
(Half the PQP rounded to the next dollar)
application, you are advised to pay the PQP by cash, cashier’s order or NETS
Declaration by Vehicle Owner
*I/We declare that the particulars given in this application are correct.
For Categories A, B and D vehicles
*I/We undertake that if *I/we choose to renew the COE of this vehicle for 5 years, *I/we shall de-register the vehicle upon the expiry of the 5-
year COE as further renewal of the COE or re-registration of the vehicle (e.g. into the Restricted Usage (RU) Scheme) is not allowed.
However, if the 5-year COE start date commences when the vehicle is more than 30 years old, *I/we may apply to re-register it as a Classic
Vehicle when it reaches 35 years old and before the COE expires. In addition, *I/we understand that if the 5-year COE start date commences
when the vehicle is more than 35 years old, *I/we will have to pay an additional levy when re-registering the vehicle as a Classic Vehicle.
Otherwise, the vehicle shall be de-registered upon the expiry of the 5-year COE.
For Category C vehicles
*I/We undertake that if *I/we choose to renew the COE of this vehicle for 5 years, *I/we can only renew the COE for 5-year periods in future,
subject to the vehicle’s statutory age limit (if applicable).
*I/We understand that if *I/we choose to renew the COE of this vehicle prior to the month of expiry of the current COE, the balance of the
current COE will be forfeited and the renewed COE will commence from the 1
of the following month from PQP month.
*I/We understand that the COE rebate arising from the lay up period will be forfeited if the COE is renewed.
*I/We consent to the collection, use or disclosure of my personal data to a third party as per paragraph 19 on the overleaf of this
application form.
*I/We hereby authorise _____________________________________ (name of authorised person), *NRIC No./
FIN _____________________
to submit this application on my behalf.
Signature of Registered Owner and
Company’s Stamp (if applicable)
Name of Manager / Director:
*NRIC No./
* Delete where inapplicable
For vehicle registered under non-individual
# PQP for a company car first registered before 1 April 1998 is twice that of the normal rate applicable for the month
^ Please see paragraphs 6 and 7 on the overleaf of this application form
FIN from Employment / Immigration Pass Card issued by MOM / ICA
VRLSO-F-Q02-V13 (10PT091)
The information is current at time of printing (Aug 2016)


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