Sample Palanca Letter Template Page 2


St. Peter’s School of Religion
St. Peter’s School of Religion, , , , 2900 Sandy Spring Road
2900 Sandy Spring Road, , , , Olney, MD 20832
Olney, MD 20832 (301) 570
(301) 570- - - - 4952
St. Peter’s School of Religion
St. Peter’s School of Religion
2900 Sandy Spring Road
2900 Sandy Spring Road
Olney, MD 20832
Olney, MD 20832
(301) 570
(301) 570
Sample Palanca Letter
Dear Cathy,
Well, the time has arrived for your Confirmation.
I remember when you were first born, your Mom and I were just a couple of years
out of college and only married for a few years. Needless to say, we looked forward to the
day we could hold you and take care of you. At the time, I weighed about 40 pounds less
than I do now and Mom…well, she has always been beautiful. I think it is in that respect
that you most resemble her. Anyway, it was an exceptionally pretty Spring that year with
flowers blooming everywhere. I was so excited about having my girls come home. I got
up early the day you were to arrive, cleaned the house and ran to the florist and got all
your Mom’s favorite spring flowers. The apartment was packed with hyacinths,
forsythia, tulips, and daffodils. To this day, the smell of hyacinths reminds me of you.
A lot has happened these past fourteen years. Your Mom and I have found that
staying married requires us to make a choice every day to love each other. I’ve learned
the meaning of fear because of an uncertain future, but also the joy of my family and the
peace that comes when you, although a big girl now, hug me still. I remember taking you
to kindergarten when you were five and dropping you off that first day. On my way to
work, I started crying just thinking about how lonely and scared you might be. Maybe I
was really feeling sorry for myself – it was my first day at a new job and I was scared too.
You’ve worked very hard in preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. During
this time, you have especially inspired me to spend more time in prayer with God. I say
this because the prayers you offer at the dinner table are so awesome. Some of the things
you say in prayer, I have never even thought about before. I think that wisdom comes
out of your growing relationship with God. It encourages me to place more emphasis on
my own relationship with God.
I want to thank you for all the service you’ve done for Grandma Raymond. She
appreciates the help you’ve given her, but she especially loves the company you give to
her. She’s been so lonely since Grandpa Raymond died. She relies much more on her
family now for the comfort, love and support she needs. I think we as a family are going
to have to think creatively about how Grandma Raymond can be included in our family
activities. This is all flowing out of what you have begun in your own service.
Anyway, I guess you’re wondering why I’m telling you all this. I want you to
know that your Mom and I are real people. We’re not just disciplinarians. We love you
very much and never stop thanking God for giving you to us. Fourteen years ago I looked
at you for the first time and marveled at the wonderful miracle you were. Now I look at
you and only marvel all the more at the wonderful person you’ve become.
I’ll love you always,


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