Electricity In Circuits 5e Lesson Plan Template Page 2


5E Lesson Plan [Electricity in Circuits]
Students will conduct a descriptive investigation and be able to draw at least four different examples of both simple series circuits
and parallel circuits.
Mini Lesson - Teacher will hold up a battery and ask the following questions: What does the battery have to help us create a closed,
complete, or working circuit? What do we use batteries for? What is the difference between a series and parallel circuit? Where have
you seen examples of simple series/parallel circuits? What are advantages of series/parallel circuits? Students will be guided to draw
in their science notebooks, at least four different examples of both simple series and parallel circuits and provide a description.
Group Work – Series or Parallel Handout
Formative Assessment – Three Minute Quick Write
How did the series and parallel circuits differ? How could you tell if the illustrations showed a series or parallel circuit?
Students will create a flipbook graphic organizer: Types of Energy We Use. Students will explore their classroom/school to find
examples of each type of energy being used and record their information on the flipbook created.
What forms of energy are there? How do we use energy? What are the uses of (sound, light, mechanical, thermal) energy?
Formative Assessment – Exit Ticket:
An example of _________________ energy I found was _____________. Or
_______________ is an example of how we use ___________________ energy.
Homework – Given a random object/picture of (mechanical pencil, wind-up toy, bell, radio) student will answer the following questions:
What type of energy does this item use? Define the energy. How is this energy useful in our everyday lives?
Students are to find two objects at home that use the same type of energy as the object they were given in class.
Electrical Engineering Challenge - Students will work through 5 challenges in groups.
Students will actively utilize academic vocabulary throughout the conversations in their challenges. Students cannot move on to the
next challenge until a few tough questions about the completed work are answered.
How is inquiry used to investigate the answers to questions we pose? · How is electricity used to create heat, sound, light, and
motion? How is electricity used in our world? How do batteries and wires conduct electricity to a light a bulb? What types of materials
are conductors of electricity and what materials are not conductors (insulators)? How are these challenges a comparison to the lighting
in your house?
Formative Assessment – Writing activities and teacher observation of conversations
Throughout the course of the challenges, students will keep a Challenge Journal. This written task will be used as a summative to
show students mastery of learning target. (students will sketch, write, research, and make connections to real world situations)
Students can be challenged to create a circuit board game as an extension to their learning
Additional Resources:
Forms of Energy – PPT
Brain Pop – Electric Circuits


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