Visa Application Form For Friends And Relatives Page 4


discretion to take any action, which it deems appropriate
Refund of deposit (if applicable)
against the Guarantor’s UAE residence visa for such
• Refund of the security deposit will be given only after
confirming the Passenger’s exit from the UAE, subject to
18. Single entry visa permits the holder to use it only once
no charges and/or deductions referred to in the terms and
(single) for entry to Dubai. Once the passenger departs
conditions above being incurred.
from Dubai, he or she cannot re-enter with the same visa.
• Refund claim of security deposit must be made within 1
Multiple entry visas are valid for multiple entries and the
month of exit by the Passenger from the UAE, following
holder can re-enter Dubai as per visa validity.
such time it shall be forfeited.
Visa type
• The original receipt of the security deposit payment must
after entry
of entries
be submitted to claim a refund of the visa deposit along
Short term
30 days from
with a clear passport copy, visa copy and the UAE entry
arrival date
and exit stamps of the Passenger.
Long term
90 days from
arrival date
Short term
30 days from
1st entry
Long term
90 days from
1st entry
I _______________________________________, as Guarantor,
have read and understood and accept all flydubai Visa
19. flydubai will not be responsible for any fines or penalties
Application Form Terms and Conditions and would like
that may be imposed on the Passenger and/or Guarantor
flydubai to make a visa application on behalf of the
by the GDRFA-D. The Guarantor/Passenger indemnifies
Passenger. I will be fully responsible in case of any violation
flydubai against any such costs and/or expenses which
of the terms and conditions by me, as Guarantor, or by the
flydubai may incur as a result of the Visa Application.
Passenger. Furthermore, I authorise the GFDRA-D to take
20. In the event that the Passenger does not leave the UAE by
any appropriate action on my UAE residence visa in case
the visa expiry date, or is involved in any administrative,
of the Passenger violating regulations of the GFDRA-D,
financial, medical, legal or other issue which adversely
including overstaying in the UAE.
affects flydubai, all related fines, charges or costs may be
deducted from the visa deposit at flydubai’s sole discretion
and the balance amount (if any) will be forfeited.
Guarantor’s Signature _________________________________
21. The Visa Application shall not constitute, create or give
effect to a joint venture, principal/agency relationship or
formal representation of any kind between flydubai and the
Passenger and/or Guarantor and neither party shall have
the right to bind the other without the other’s express prior
written consent.
22. The Guarantor/Passenger indemnifies flydubai, and all its
officers, employees, agents, partners and shareholders
from any claims, liabilities, losses, costs or damages,
including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of any
breach of the flydubai Visa Application Form Terms and
Conditions and/or violation of the GDRFA-D regulations
except where such claim, liability, loss, costs or damages
are directly caused by flydubai’s gross negligence or wilful
23. The applicant has to pay AED 150 as cancellation charges
for cancelling any type of visa where the application
status is Approved, In process or Documents required.
Furthermore, if a visa is issued, unutilised and expired, then
the customer will need to get the unutilised visa cancelled
in order to apply for a new visa. The visa and cancellation
fees are non-refundable at all times.


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