Code Of Conduct - Internship Page 4


 No insignia, jewelry or badges that are distracting, offensive or controversial
 Females – 1 pair of conservative earrings
 Males are not allowed to wear earrings
 Body piercings other than earlobes should not be visible
Tattoos / Body Piercing
Tattoos should not be visible – they should be concealed appropriately as well as inappropriate body piercing
Office Romance
Any behavior of a sexual nature on company property will not be entertained
Disciplinary Procedure
The disciplinary procedure of the OJT Programme shall follow a four-tiered approach:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Warning
3. Suspension
4. Termination
The training provider is encouraged to liaise with their PME Officer to ensure that steps (1) and (2) are followed
firstly prior to returning the trainee to the OJT Office. However, we do understand that there may be
circumstances where this process cannot be applied and immediate action is required.
I _____________________________________ hereby understand and agree to adhere to the above
Trainee Name in Block Letters)
guidelines during my Placement on the On-the-Job Training Programme.
Trainee Signature_________________________
Date: ___________
Applicable for Trainees under the age of 18 years:
I _______________________ on behalf of ___________________________, hereby understand and
(Name of Guardian)
(Trainee Name)
agree to the above guidelines during his/her Placement on the On-the-Job Training Programme.
Guardian’s Signature: _______________________
Date: ___________
Witnessed by: _____________________________________________
Date: ____________
Senior Coordinator
Central / Head Office: Corner Chaguanas Main Road & Connector Road, Chaguanas, Tel: (868) 672-7107 ext 4029 | East Office: #16 Warner Street, St. Augustine, Tel:
(868) 663-3174 | West Office: #31 Sackville Street, Port-of-Spain, Tel: (868) 627-5865 |South Office: #3 Freeling Street, San Fernando, Tel: (868)
653-3631 | Tobago: 79 Milford Road Cannan, Tobago, W.I., (868) 639-3530 E-mail:


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