Code Of Conduct - Internship Page 2


 Be concise and straight to the point
 Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
 Keep attachments to a minimum and mention your attachment in the content
 Do not overuse the high priority and reply to all options
 Always use smart subject lines
 Never use email to discuss confidential issues
 Read email before you send it
 Use active voice instead of passive voice
 Do not email anything of an offensive or pornographic nature
Cubicle Courtesies
 Avoid loud phone conversations, especially of a personal nature
 Do not wear strong perfume or cologne whereby it evidently causes a distraction to colleagues in
close proximity
 Do not stand in front of someone’s cubicle/workstation and carry on a conversation
 Do not walk into a cubicle/workstation when someone is on the phone (leave them a note or email
 There should be no sleeping at your cubicle/workstation or otherwise
OJT does not have a dress down Friday or allow casual attire in the normal course of business, therefore, casual
attire will not be allowed unless specifically authorized by the Training Provider.
Trainees who are not suitably dressed can be sent home to dress appropriately and return for duty thereafter.
Where trainees fail to return for duty, they must account for their absence.
 Skirt with matching jacket
 Skirt or dress with coordinated blazer
 Dress with matching jacket
 Simple dress (conservative patterns)
 Skirts & dresses –not shorter than 2” above knee (while seated)
 Dress pants – tailored & to be worn with a coordinating jacket and must be ankle length
 Tube tops, halters, short pants, mini skirts
 Casual, denim, faddish, informal styles
 Plunging necklines and sleeveless tops
 No slippers and sandals
 Collared white, conservative coloured or pin stripped dress shirts
 Conservative ties & non-stylized belt
 Conservative dress socks with matching colours
 Sleeveless tops, vests, short pants
 No slippers and sandals
 Professional office shoes (preferably closed toe shoes) – Closed toe shoes are preferred, however
allowances are made where a medical reason certified by a medical practitioner is provided.
Central / Head Office: Corner Chaguanas Main Road & Connector Road, Chaguanas, Tel: (868) 672-7107 ext 4029 | East Office: #16 Warner Street, St. Augustine, Tel:
(868) 663-3174 | West Office: #31 Sackville Street, Port-of-Spain, Tel: (868) 627-5865 |South Office: #3 Freeling Street, San Fernando, Tel: (868)
653-3631 | Tobago: 79 Milford Road Cannan, Tobago, W.I., (868) 639-3530 E-mail:


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