Accredited Investor Form Page 3


December 16, 2010
Attention annuity producers doing business in Florida
On January 1, 2011, FL S 2176 goes into effect in the state of Florida. This new law limits surrender charges on
the annuity products insurance carriers can issue to “Senior consumers,” defi ned in the law as individuals age
65 and older, unless they are an Accredited Investor (see the Accredited Investor Qualifi cation section below for
details). Surrender charges under the new law must be no more than 10% per year for a period no longer than 10
The BalancedAllocation Annuity 12
does not comply with the new Florida law for Non-Accredited
Investors 65 and older. Therefore this product will no longer be available for Non-Accredited Investors
age 65 or older after January 1, 2011.
The BalancedAllocation Annuity 8
will still be available for customers 65 and older after the new
Florida law takes effect January, 1, 2011; however, the Family Endowment with Premium Bonus rider
will not be available on this product for Non-Accredited customers 65 and older.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Both the BAA 12 and BAA 8 will continue to be available for sale to customers under the
age of 65.
New Product Launch
To ensure you are able to continue providing your 65 and older clients in Florida leading product solutions for their
retirement objectives, we have fi led the BalancedAllocation Annuity 10
to comply with the new law. We are
working with the Florida Department of Insurance for expedited approval and will communicate the availability,
strong features and transition plan as soon the BalancedAllocation Annuity 10
is approved. We’ve had positive
correspondence with the state and anticipate releasing it in January.
Transition Guidelines
BalancedAllocation Annuity 12 transfer/rollover applications for Non-Accredited customers 65 and older
must be to your Marketing Organization by December 22 and to the Aviva Home Offi ce by December 27.
Transfer/rollover funds must be received by January 24, 2011.
BalancedAllocation Annuity 12 applications with cash for Non-Accredited customers 65 and older must be
to your Marketing Organization by December 30 and to the Aviva Home Offi ce by December 31.
BalancedAllocation Annuity 12 applications received after these transition dates for Non-Accredited
customers 65 and older will not be accepted, the application will be withdrawn and the client would need
to apply for the BalancedAllocation Annuity 8 (without the Family Endowment with Premium Bonus rider).
Any Balanced Allocation Annuity 8 transfer applications received by your Marketing Organization after
December 22 or applications with cash received by your Marketing Organization after December 30 will
not be eligible to issue with the Family Endowment with Premium Bonus rider.
We will not be accepting faxed applications to meet these deadlines; only hard copy applications
received by these deadlines will be issued with the current products.


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