Hot Air Balloon Activity Sheet


Hot Air Balloons
Hot Air Balloons
Develop an understanding of how to use of a variety of materials
Develop fine motor skills.
Demonstrate an understanding of how to create a representative
Key words:
Mixed media, color, family, balloon
-Variety of colored tissue paper - cut into small
-White construction paper
-Markers and/or crayons
-White glue and water mixed together - it should
-24 inches of yarn - any color
appear thin and cloudy white
-Piece of wax paper
-Paint brush
-Hole puncher
1- Using the template provided, have your chil-
7- After they have drawn and colored in their
dren cut out the balloon shape (you should have
family members, cut them out from the paper.
two balloons exactly the same size). These will
eventually become the hot air balloon.
8- Using the second template cut out the “basket”
(you should have two baskets exactly the same
2- Lay each balloon onto a piece of wax paper.
3- Place a tissue paper square onto one of the
9- Once everything is dry and cut out, begin to
balloons, using your paint brush and watered
attach everything together.
down glue, cover the tissue paper square (this will
soak the tissue paper and attach it to the con-
10- First, glue the balloons together, tissue paper
struction paper). Take another tissue paper
sides outward.
square and slightly overlap it with the other and
once again use the watered down glue and brush.
11- Then place the family into the basket and glue
***Continue this process until the balloon is com-
the basket closed.
pletely covered***
12- Once the everything is glued, punch holes
4- Using the same process, apply tissue paper to
into the basket and balloon.
the second balloon as well.
13- Use the yarn to connect the basket to the
5- While the balloons are drying, take out the
white construction paper.
14- With a small piece of leftover yarn, tie a piece
6- Have children draw their family members,
to the top of the balloon so that it can hang from a
including themselves, onto the paper.
ceiling if they would like.
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c ol or w it h l eo . c o m
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