Awbi Dog Breeding Registration Form For Breeding Bitches / Stud Dogs Page 3


The Veterinary Surgeon of the breeder will forward a detailed inspection report of
breeding establishment (format attached) at least once a year and a certificate of good
practice must be issued by the said Veterinary Surgeon for further continuance of
breeding activity.
An inspector detailed by the AWBI may also inspect the premises, animals and records of
Breeder at anytime.
Any additional dogs or bitches other than breeding stock held at the household or kennel
that are not registered for breeding must be sterilized.
No puppies may be sold until they have reached the age of 8 weeks.
Bitches will not be mated in their first season..
Strict records must be maintained regarding all breeding activities. Directions as laid
down by AWBI from time to time in this regard be adopted in letter & spirit.
For AWBI Official use only.
Date of receipt of Application
Registration: - Accepted / Rejected
Reason for rejection:
Number of breeding bitches Registered:
Number of stud dogs Registered:
Registration fees paid details:
Whether Doctor Certificate enclosed: Yes / No :


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