Audit Letter Template Page 2


This IRS Audit Notice Letter 566(CG) sample is provided by , the nation’s
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leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit .
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We will review the information that you send us and take one of the following actions:
1. If the information you send fully addresses our questions, we will make no changes to the tax you reported
on your return. You will not need to take any further action.
2. If the information does not fully address our questions, we will send you a letter with an examination report
explaining the proposed changes to your tax. If you agree with the changes, sign and return the
examination report.
If you have any questions about this letter you can call the contact person at the telephone number shown in the
letter heading who will be able to assist you. If this number is outside your local calling area or is not a toll-free
number, there will be a long-distance charge to you.
It is important that you reply by mail or by fax within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you reply by mail,
please use the enclosed envelope or address your reply envelope to the Internal Revenue Service at the address
shown in the heading of this letter. If you reply by fax, please use the number shown in the heading of this
letter. Whether responding by mail or fax, please be sure to identify the contact person whose name is shown in
the heading of this letter and include a copy of this letter.
If you do not reply, we will disallow the questioned items and will send you a letter and examination report
showing our proposed changes to your tax.
Use the spaces below to indicate a telephone number, including area code, and the best time for us to call you
should we need more information. You may want to keep a copy of the letter and any information you send to
us for your records.
Home Telephone Number:
) ______ - _____________
Best time to call: ____________________
Work Telephone Number:
) ______ - _____________
Best time to call: ____________________
We’ve also enclosed Publication 3498-A, The Examination Process, for your information.
Thank you for your cooperation.
IRS Contact Name
Operations Manager, Examination
Copy of this letter
Publication 3498-A
Form 886
Letter 566(CG) (Rev. 1-2010)
Catalog Number 27225H


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