Asking The Professor To Write The Letter Of Recommendation Page 3


Should you get a copy?
Some  professors  provide  students  with  a  copy  of  the  letter  they  sent.  Some  don’t  have  the  time.  Ask  
ahead  of  time  if  you’d  like  a  copy  - to see if your professor is willing to provide it to you. Whatever the
decision  of  the  professor,  respect  it.  If  they’d  prefer  not  to  disclose  the  letter’s  contents  to  you,  then  
don’t  push  it.  If  you’re  sure  they  wrote  you  a  positive  letter  anyway  (because  you  checked  ahead  of  
time, remember?), then rest assured they did. No one will write a letter opposite from what they
initially promised (unless you did something truly horrific  in the meantime).


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