Town Of Warner Certification Of Structural & Life Safety Code Compliance


Requirements for a Certificate of Occupancy for a new residential unit
For a Certificate of Occupancy to be granted for a new dweling unit, the unit must be “liv-
able”. Livable is defined as the unit having available the necessities of life and being safe for
habitation. The specifics of these requirements are left to the discretion of the Building
Inspector and Selectmen, but must include the following as a minimum if applicalbe.
Strucural work is to be complete and in compliance with all local codes and state law.
Electrical work must be in compliance with the current National Electric Code (this is
state law). Certification of National Electric Code Compliance Form must be signed
by the licensed electrician and submitted to the Building Inspector.
Plumbing work must be in compliance with all local codes and state laws. Certifica-
tion of Plumbing Code Compliance form must be signed by the licensed plumber and
submitted to the Building Inspector.
Running water must be availabe in the dwelling unit. If you have a new well, state
law requires the well digger to complete a “Well Completion Report”. A water analysis
is also required for all new dwellings that have a private water supply. Copies of these
reports must be available for town records.
The sewage disposal system must be completed and approved by the NSWSPCC in
accordance with all local codes and state laws. A copy of the final inspection by the
NHWSPCC must be available for town records.
Entrance and or exits must be fully accessible and stairways to them must be con
structed in accordance with the building code.
The heating system must be completed, installed in accordance with all local codes
and state laws. This must be inspected, if required, by the local authority.
Interior stairways to be completed with handrails as required by the building code.
Fire and smoke detectors must be installed and operating in accordance with local
codes and state laws.


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