Cute Egg: Invasion Challenge templates
Assembly instructions:
Yolk stand template
(use to make 2 copies)
Cut out the egg model and stand templates and use them to make two
of each shape out of the A1 card or foam board. A1 (84.1 x 59.4 cm)
should be enough area for these shapes if you plan carefully. Save the hole
from the egg template to use as a yolk template (a guide for cutting out the
inner hole in your egg models, which will make the yolk part of the stand).
Cut out the inner hole on each card egg and keep it safe - it is the yolk.
Use the egg model template as a guide for where to attach string to create
a mesh across the holes. Do this by pressing something pointed like a pencil
or pin through the paper template to make impressions on the card. The
filled circles are a guide for the poor quality cuticle egg model to give it
large gaps, and all of the circles are a guide for the good quality cuticle
egg model, to give it small gaps.
Note: make sure you make the gaps large enough on the poor quality
cuticle egg for the supplied soft-toy bacteria to pass through!
Create the mesh of strings across the holes using the impressions to guide
positioning. Do this either by making small holes in the card and threading
the string across the hole in each egg, or use drawing pins or tape to secure
the string onto the card.
Use the stand templates as a guide for where to fold the cut out stands
(the shaded areas indicate the tabs for sticking). Attach the egg stands to
the egg models and the yolk stands to the yolks using tape or glue. Make
sure the stands have the angled edge at the bottom for stability.
Attach the yolk and the egg models together as indicated in the picture
Egg stand
and the shaded area on the egg model template.
Decorate the assembled egg models by gluing on the two cut out
pictures (the bacteria picture for the poor quality and the happy chicken for
(use to make
the good quality cuticle models) and eyes (round eyes for the good quality
and sad ones for the poor quality cuticle models).
2 copies)
Cut-out pictures
Egg model template
(to stick on to egg models)
(use to make 2 copies)
Yolk template