Original Petition For Divorce - Dallas County, Texas Page 2


The parties were married on or about January 1, 2000 and ceased to live together as
spouses on or about December 31, 2010.
Grounds for Divorce
The marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities
between Petitioner and Respondent that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship
and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.
Children of the Marriage
There is no child born or adopted of this marriage, and none is expected.
Division of Community Property
Petitioner believes Petitioner and Respondent will enter into an agreement for the
division of their estate. If such an agreement is made, Petitioner requests the Court to approve
the agreement and divide their estate in a manner consistent with the agreement. If such an
agreement is not made, Petitioner requests the Court to divide their estate in a manner that the
Court deems just and right, as provided by law.
Request for Change of Name
Respondent requests a change of name to Joanne Simpleton.
Petitioner prays that citation and notice issue as required by law and that the Court grant a
divorce and all other relief requested in this petition.
Petitioner prays that Respondent's name be changed as requested above.
Petitioner prays for general relief.
Original Petition for Divorce
Page 2


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