Sample Rental Questionnaire Template Page 3


Yes  No 
If yes, provide details of property:
Yes  No 
Was the property empty for 62 days in the income year?
If yes, please complete the following section so we can determine the amount of allowable deductions.
Mixed Use Holiday Home – Information Required
The number of days the property was empty during the income year
The number of days the asset was used by family or associated persons* during the income year
OR where income from any person received was less than 80% of market rate
* Associated persons include close relatives, or if owned by an entity, persons associated with the entity owning the property
If there is more than one tenant who used the property through the year, please attach details.
Name of tenant:
Relationship to owner (if any):
Amount of rent they paid:
Dates rented (From: To)
Expenses incurred in respect of the property (the list below is not exhaustive – details of all expenses will be
Cost of advertising for tenants
Cost of repairing damages caused by tenants
Number of days spent in the property while repairing damages caused by tenants
Mortgage interest
Repairs/maintenance for general wear and tear
Other (please give details) :
Client Questionnaire Rental
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