Walden Galleria Scavenger Hunt List Template


Round I: Riddle Hunt
Find the store that matches the description of the rhyme. Take a photo or grab a flyer from a store to
prove you were there.
1. No matter whether you’re a girl or whether you’re a boy, this is a store where you create your
own plush toy!
2. In this shop you will be able to find anything you need for home living it is also the store that in
New York plans a big parade for Thanksgiving
3. This next store’s name it should be easy, they are not young but are out at sea
4. An online company has the same name and they have music that you can stream, but this one is
a place inside the mall that sells lots of items that do gleam
5. To find the next store on the list this clue should help give you a hunch it sounds like it is a
country that sells yellow fruit by the bunch
6. You’re doing very well at this and you might be feeling bold next up on this scavenger hunt
is a subject that’s not cold
7. Despite the name of this mall store it does not sell a cadaver instead it stocks lots of items you
can work into a lather
8. If a New York baseball team gets bored of playing games they should go and work here
and sell things that have flames
9. You’re getting through this list so quickly you’re going at a very good clip, the last stop on this
tour of the mall is where your fingers get a French tip!


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