Mall Scavenger Hunt List Template


Mall Scavenger Hunt Questions
What store name comes first in the alphabet?
How many restaurants are in the food court?
How many trash cans are in the mall?
How many restrooms are there?
How many vending machines are there?
What store has the shortest name?
How many stores have a number as part of their name?
How many places could you get your hair cut?
How many seats are there in the food court?
How many stores could you buy a cellphone from?
How many different movies are being shown at the movie theater?
How many ATMs are there in the mall?
What's the most common letter for a store's name to start with?
What's one place can you buy glasses or contact lenses from?
How many elevators are there?
Who is the mall owned by?
How many massage chairs are there?
How many stores aren't advertising a sale in their front window?
What's the mall's phone number?
How many stores and kiosks are there in the mall?
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