Unit Two Test Review


Name   _ ____________________________                                   P eriod   _ _________                                  
  D ate_________________  
OTL   1 2   –   U nit   T wo   T est   R eview   -­‐   N o   C alculator   P ermitted  
Level   1  
Level   2  
Level   3  
Level   4  
I   c an   u se   t he   L eading  
I   c an   f actor   a   p olynomial  
I   c an   i dentify   t he   c orrect  
I   c an   f actor   a   p olynomial  
Coefficient   T est   t o  
equation   w ith   r ational  
y-­‐intercept   a nd   t he  
equation   w ith   r ational  
Graph   h igher  
determine   t he   e nd  
leading   c oefficient   ��  
and   i rrational   z eros.  
behavior   o f   h igher   o rder  
when   g raphing  
I   c an   u se   r ational   z eros  
I   c an   u se   r ational   a nd  
polynomials   a nd   d escribe  
polynomial   f unctions   o r  
and   t heir   m ultiplicities   t o  
irrational   z eros   a nd   t heir  
end   b ehavior   u sing   l imit  
when   w riting   e quations  
approximate   g raphs   o f  
multiplicities   t o  
for   p olynomials   f rom  
polynomial   f unctions.  
approximate   g raphs   o f  
polynomial   f unctions.  
1. Sketch   t he   g raph   o f   t he   f ollowing   p olynomial   f unctions.   I dentify   a ll   z eros   o n   t he   g raph.       ( Use   a dditional   p oints   t o   s ketch  
an   a ccurate   g raph!)    
�� �� =  – 2��³   +  6��²   −  
�� �� = −��
− 5��
2. Sketch   t he   g raph   o f   a   p olynomial   f unction   w ith   r eal   z eros     a t     − 2, −2, −3, 0  
Level   1  
Level   2  
Level   3  
Level   4  
I   c an   i dentify   t he   z eros   o f  
I   c an   a pply   t he   R emainder  
I   c an   u se   t he   I ntermediate  
I   c an   f ind   t he   r eal   z eros   o f  
a   p olynomial   f unction  
and   F actor   T heorems.    
Value   T heorem   t o   h elp  
any   p olynomial  
real   ( rational  
using   L ong   o r   S ynthetic  
locate   z eros   o f   p olynomial  
algebraically   a nd   u se   t he  
I   c an   u se   t he   R ational  
&   i rrational)  
zeros,   e nd   b ehavior   a nd  
Zero   T est   t o   d etermine  
zeros   o f  
additional   p oints   t o  
possible   r ational   z eros   o f  
I   c an   u se   D escartes’   R ule  
higher   o rder  
sketch   a   g raph   o f   t he  
polynomial   f unctions.  
of   S igns   a nd   t he   U pper  
and   L ower   B ound   R ules   t o  
find   z eros   o f   p olynomials.  
3. Given   ��(��)   =  ��³   +  ��²–  4��  –  4.      
Identify   a ll   z eros   u sing   �� �� = 0   n otation:       _ ________________________________  
Write   �� ��   i n   c ompletely   f actored   f orm:     _ ________________________________  
4. Given   �� �� =  2��
+  3��
–  8�� + 3.      
Identify   a ll   z eros   u sing   �� �� = 0   n otation:       _ ________________________________  
Write   �� ��   i n   c ompletely   f actored   f orm:     _ ________________________________  
5. Algebraically,   d etermine   w hether   ��
+ 1   i s   a   f actor   o f   �� �� = 3��
− 2��
+ 8.      


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