Confirmation Sermon Notes Template


Confirmation Sermon Notes 2014-2015
Student Name __________________________Sermon Date _____________________________
Sermon Text ___________________________Sermon Title_______________________________
Pastor________________________________ Season of Church Year______________________
Location (if other than ASLC)_______________________________________________________
(Please use + complete sentences + correct grammar + neatness):
How was the sermon introduced?
(What was the opening illustration, story, or stated problem?)
Please give a short outline/ summary of the sermon.
(Hint: what was the focus or central
“theme” of the message? Make that the center and build around that.) Please us bullet points or paragraph form:
In what ways were you led to recognize your sin through this sermon? Use “I”
(Law – SHOWS OUR SIN. What have you been doing,
statements and make it personal for you:
thinking, or saying against God’s will according to the sermon and its topic and theme?)
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ CONTINUED ON OTHER SIDE
#______________________ out of 34 (Filled out by Confirmation Coordinator)


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