Sermon Notes Template


Before worship, please answer the following questions:
1. Today I am worshiping with _________________________________.
Example: family, mom, dad, grandparents...etc.
2. I am coming to worship with the following emotions:_________________________.
Example: joy, sadness, anger, hope...etc.
3. It is the _____Sunday after______________________.
(Church season)
During worship, please answer the following:
4. Was there a children’s message today? If so, what was the main theme?
5. Which of the lessons that were read during worship applied the most to the sermon?
6. What stories, examples, or illustrations helped you understand the sermon?
7. One thing I learned about faith is….
8. My favorite hymn during worship was…..
9. What I liked most about worship was…..
10.What I discovered about God in worship was….
11. A question that I have about today’s worship or sermon is…..


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