Mitosis Practice Worksheet


Mitosis Practice Worksheet
Name ____________________________________________
Date _______ Per ____
Complete the worksheet using the Basic Genetics website (link on the wiki) or your textbook.
Part 1 Directions: Match the description with the part of the cell cycle:
____1. The chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell.
A. Interphase
____2. The cell grows, matures, and eventually copies its DNA.
B. Prophase
____3. The chromatids are pulled apart, to opposite ends of the cell.
C. Metaphase
____4. The chromatin forms chromosomes, nuclear membrane gone.
D. Anaphase
____5. The cell membrane pinches in, dividing the cytoplasm into 2 cells.
E. Telophase
____6. A nuclear membrane forms around both sets of chromatids.
F. Cytokinesis
Part 2 Direcitons: Match the illustration with the part of the cell cycle: (use above letters from questions 1-6)
Part 3 Directions: Using the illustration from part 2, arrange the number of illustrations 1 – 5 in the correct order
for the process of mitosis. Write the order below.
Part 4 Direcitons: Answer the following questions.
1. What stage do cells spend most of their lives in? __________________________________
2. If a normal human cell has 46 chromosomes how many chromosomes will it’s daughter cell have? ____
3. Do the illustrations from Part 2 show images of a plant or animal cell? __________
4. If Part 2 represented the OTHER type of cell what about the cells would be different?
There’s more on the back don’t forget…


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