Vaccine Schedule - Puppies Page 2


 It is only required if the dog will be boarding (or anytime the pet stays in our
clinic) or if it goes to the groomer or to puppy classes.
 Bordetella vaccine vaccinates against a common cause of upper respiratory tract
infection in dogs. In puppies and immunosuppressed dogs, the disease may
progress to bronchitis or pneumonia.
 Ideally, dogs should be vaccinated for Bordetella at least 1 week before
 The vaccine does not prevent all causes of respiratory disease in dogs.
 Dogs need to receive 2 boosters of the vaccine 3-4 weeks apart of each other in
the first year vaccinated for bordetella
 DHLPPC is a multivirulet vaccine against Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis,
Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, and Corona.
 DHLPPC is given to puppies as the last two booster shots at approximately 12 and
16 weeks of age (DHPPC#3 and DHPPC#4).
 At the 1
yearly shots of an adult dog, DHLPPC is given (or ADHPPC if the dog is
allergic to lepto).
 From then on, DHLPPC can be given every 3 years.
Canine Influenza Vaccine
 The Influenza vaccine is
recommended but not required for all dogs.
 The disease is transmitted through respiratory droplets (sneezing/coughing). It is
also transmitted through direct contact between dogs and via contaminated
surfaces. (such as a shared toy when a person picks up the virus on their hands,
then pets a dog)
 It is only required if the dog will be boarding (or anytime the pet stays in our
clinic) or if it goes to the groomer or to puppy classes.
 Ideally, dogs should be vaccinated for Canine Influenza at least 1 week before
 The initial vaccination requires 2 doses given 2-4 weeks apart, followed by annual
Rabies Vaccine Protocol – Canines
 Puppies must be at least 12 weeks old to receive the first rabies vaccination
 Dogs must receive 2 rabies shots within 365 days or less of their previous shot in
order to go to every three years for subsequent rabies shots.
 If a second rabies shot is given after the 365 day period, then a yearly rabies shot is
 Rabies is a virus that causes inflammation of the brain. It is transmitted through
saliva of an infected animal. It has a high fatality rate (almost 100%) among all warm
blooded animals, including humans.
 See Rabies Quarantine protocol if a pet bites a human or if there is exposure to a
rabid animal (such as a bat).


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