Wedding/event Contract Template Page 4


A. $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Limits;
$1,000,000 Host Liquor Liability must be specifically included in the above coverage;
The UNITY Center, its owners, officers, agents and employees must be named as additional
insured for any claim or claims resulting from or growing out of the Renter or Renter’s
Failure to provide evidence of this insurance to The UNITY Center 30 days prior to your event
can cause immediate cancellation of your event. Cancellations resulting from failure to
provide The UNITY Center with proper and timely certificate of liability insurance will be
treated as a renter caused cancellation occurring less than 60 days prior to the event (see
Cancellation Policy above).
8. Alcohol Policy
A. Renter agrees and warrants that there shall be NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL BY PERSONS
UNDER THE AGE OF 21. Renter agrees to refuse to allow alcohol to be served to, or consumed
by any person who is visibly intoxicated or under 21 years of age. Renter or Renter’s Contact
shall monitor all service, if any, of alcohol and specifically acknowledges that Renter is solely
liable for the consumption of any alcohol by any person on the premises and that such liability
shall extend to any aspect regarding the consumption of alcohol. The UNITY Center’s Facilities
Manager may ask guests for identification to verify age and reserves the right to ask the entire
party to leave if (1) a minor is consuming alcohol; (2) an adult is providing alcohol to a minor; (3)
a guest or guests appear(s) intoxicated and refuses to leave the premises.
B. If alcohol is served at an event we must receive proof in advance that you or persons
contracted by you have a valid Service Permit from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission
(OLCC). Only the OLCC licensed server(s) may pour the alcohol.
C. No alcohol may be SOLD on the premises.
D. ONLY champagne, wine and bottled beer may be consumed on the premises.
E. No alcohol is allowed in the sanctuary, upstairs or in the basement.
F. No alcohol is allowed to be consumed on the street, sidewalk or parking lot area.
G. Renter shall indemnify and hold The UNITY Center harmless from all liability for improper
use of alcohol during the Renter’s event.
Agreement by Signature
By signing below the Renter agrees to all the terms and conditions stated herein.
Signature of Renter
Signature of Renter
Signature of The UNITY Center representative


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