Motor Vehicle Accident Claim Form Page 4


8. Sketch Plan of Accident
1. Please make a rough plan of road showing distance and positions of all vehicles and persons concerned showing by
arrows the direction in which they were travelling.
2. Your vehicle to be marked (A) and the other parties (B), (C) and so on, with point of compass shown.
9. Declaration – Signature
I declare that:
1. All of the statements and information in this claim form are correct;
2. I have told Allianz everything which may be relevant to this claim;
3. I understand that:
(a) I am required to co-operate with Allianz and provide this information and if I do not, Allianz may decline my claim;
(b) I have certain rights of access to and correction of the personal information provided by me on this claim form or in
support of this claim. But if I do provide any incorrect information, Allianz may be entitled to decline my claim whether
or not it is later corrected;
4. I authorise Allianz to obtain personal information about me from any other party and to release that information to other
parties if requested;
5. I authorise Allianz to obtain copies of any documents or information relating to this claim from the New Zealand Police.
Dated at
day of
Driver’s Signature
Insured’s Signature
10. Repair Authorisation
I hereby authorise the
Garage to repair on my behalf the
car/truck Engine No.
Registration No.
damaged on
Insured’s Signature
Allianz New Zealand Limited. Registered Office: 45 Queen Street Auckland New Zealand
MVNZ_0001 (9/01)


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