Unit Conversion Worksheet Page 2


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5. Earth’s moon is covered with impact craters. These craters form when an asteroid, comet, or
meteorite crashes into the moon’s surface. The largest impact crater, called Clavius, is 160
kilometers across. How many centimeters is this?
6. A crater known as Aristarchus is 3.6 kilometers deep. What is this distance in millimeters?
7. Another feature of the moon’s surface is long, narrow valleys called Rilles. The Hadley Rille is
125 kilometers long, 0.4 kilometers deep, and 1.5 kilometers wide at its widest point. Express these
distances in meters.
8. To escape Earth’s gravitational pull, an object must reach a speed of 11,180 meters per second. How fast is
this in kilometers per second?
Part B: Mass conversions
9. The largest land mammal is the African Elephant. The average adult has a mass of 5,400 kilograms. Express
this mass in grams.
10. One of the smallest mammals is the bumblebee bat, with a mass of about 0.002 kilograms. Express this mass
in grams.
11. A pygmy shrew is another tiny mammal, with a mass ranging from 1.2 grams to 2.7 grams. Express these
measurements in milligrams.
12. The largest mammal ever found on Earth was a female blue whale with a mass of more than
158,000,000 grams. Express this mass in kilograms.
13. A blue whale’s heart is so large that a person could crawl through its largest blood vessel (the aorta). The
heart has a mass of about 450 kg. Express this mass in milligrams.
14. A baby blue whale will drink between 23 and 90 kilograms of milk each day. Express these masses in grams.
Part C: Volume conversions
15. A mature sugar maple tree produces about 40 liters of sap each season. How many milliliters is this?
16. After the sap is collected, extra water in it must be boiled off. Forty liters of sap is boiled down to produce
one liter of maple syrup. How many milliliters of syrup are in one liter?
17. Canada is the world’s largest commercial producer of maple syrup. In 2005, Canada produced about
26,600,000 liters of maple syrup. How many kiloliters is this?
18. Vermont is the United States’ largest commercial producer of maple syrup. Vermont produced about
1,558 kiloliters of maple syrup in 2005. How many liters is this?
19. One serving of maple syrup is 1/4 cup, or 0.06 liters. How many milliliters of syrup is this?
20. A jug of maple syrup contains 947 milliliters. Express this volume in liters.


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