Scoring Form For Fullerton Advanced Balance (Fab) Scale Page 3


California State University, Fullerton
Center for Successful Aging
9. Walk with head turns
( ) 0 Unable to walk 10 steps independently while maintaining 30
head turns at an
established pace
( ) 1 Able to walk 10 steps independently but unable to complete required number of 30
head turns at an established pace
( ) 2 Able to walk 10 steps but veers from a straight line while performing 30
head turns at
an established pace
( ) 3 Able to walk 10 steps in a straight line while performing 30
head turns at an
established pace but head turns less than 30
in one or both directions
( ) 4 Able to walk 10 steps in a straight line while performing required number of 30
turns at established pace
10. Reactive postural control
( ) 0 Unable to maintain upright balance; no observable attempt to step; requires manual
assistance to restore balance
( ) 1 Unable to maintain upright balance; takes two or more steps and requires manual
assistance to restore balance
( ) 2 Unable to maintain upright balance; takes more than two steps but is able to restore
balance independently
( ) 3 Unable to maintain upright balance; takes two steps but is able to restore
balance independently
( ) 4 Unable to maintain upright balance but able to restore balance independently with only
one step
Evaluating Risk for Falls:
Long Form Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale Cut-Off Score: ≤ 25/40 Points
Short-Form Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale Cut-Off Score: ≤ 9/16 Points
Revised Sept 2008 (DR)


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