Accident Report Form Page 3


Post-Accident Drug & Alcohol Testing Requirement
As soon as practicable following an accident involving a commercial motor vehicle, an
employing motor carrier shall test each surviving driver for alcohol and controlled
substances if:
the accident involved the loss of human life OR
the driver received a citation under state of local law for a moving violation
arising from the accident AND an individual injured in the accident immediately
receives medical treatment away from the accident scene OR one or more
vehicles involved in the accident is towed from the scene by a tow truck or other
A driver who is subject to Post-Accident testing shall remain readily available for such
testing or may be deemed to have refused to submit to testing. Drivers are strictly
prohibited from using alcohol for (8) eight hours following an accident OR until the post-
accident testing requirements are carried out, whichever occurs first.
Alcohol Test Time Requirement: If an alcohol test is not administered with (2) two
hours following the accident, a record must be prepared and maintained (use reverse side
of this form) stating the reasons the test was not administered promptly. If test is not
administered within (8) hours following the accident, cease attempts to administer the test
and prepare record.
Controlled Substance Test Time Requirement: If controlled substance test is not
administered within (32) thirty two hours following the accident, cease attempts to
administer the test and prepare and maintain a record (use reverse side of this form)
stating the reasons the test was not promptly administered.


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