Ruby-Plsql Cheat Sheet Page 3


ruby-plsql Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet
Jacek Gebal (jgebal)
Select from a table/view (cont)
ruby-plsql project page
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l ec​ t (:all, "​ O RDER BY employ​ e e_​ i d")
ruby-p​ l sq​ l -spec project page
plsql.employees.all("ORDER BY employ​ e e_​ i d")
Raimonds Simano​ v skis blog
plsql.employees.all(:order_by => :emplo​ y ee_id)
[ {:empl​ o yee_id => 1, :name => 'James bond', :hire_date =>
'0007-​ 0 7-​ 0 7'}, {...}, ... ]
Connection parameters
# returns all rows from a table sorted using ORDER BY
plsql.c​ o n​ n ec​ t io​ n .p​ r ef​ e tc​ h _rows = 100
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l (:​ e mp​ l oy​ e e_id => 2, :order_by => :emplo​ y ee_id)
# sets number of rows to be fetched at once
[ {:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :name => 'Tony Stark', :hire_date => nil} ]
# returns all rows from a table with WHERE condition
plsql.c​ o n​ n ec​ t io​ n .d​ a ta​ b as​ e _v​ e rsion
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.all "​ W HERE employ​ e e_id = 2 AND hire_date IS NULL"
# returns version of database as an Array => [11, 2, 0, 2]
plsql.employees.all( {:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :hire_date => nil} )
plsql.d​ b m​ s _o​ u tp​ u t_​ s tream = STDOUT
[ {:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :name => 'Tony Stark', :hire_date => nil} ]
# redirects dbms_o​ u tput to standard output (console)
# returns all rows from a table with WHERE condition on NULL value
plsql.d​ b m​ s _o​ u tp​ u t_​ b uf​ f er​ _ size = 100_000
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l (:​ h ir​ e _date => :is_no​ t _null)
# sets dbms_o​ u tput buffer size to 100,000
[ {:empl​ o yee_id => 1, :name => 'James bond', :hire_date =>
'0007-​ 0 7-​ 0 7'}, {...}, ... ]
# returns all rows from a table with WHERE condition on NOT NULL
Execute SQL statement or PLSQL block
plsql.e​ x ecute "​ C REATE SYNONYM employ​ e es​ _ sy​ n onym FOR
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l ec​ t (:​ c ount)
employ​ e es​ "
# executes any given string as a SQL or PLSQL statement
plsql.e​ x ecute <<-SQL
# returns count of rows in the table
​ ​ C REATE TABLE test_e​ m pl​ o yees (
​ ​ ​ ​ e mp​ l oy​ e e_id NUMBER(15),
Update table/view
​ ​ ​ name VARCHAR2(50),
​ ​ ​ ​ h ir​ e _date DATE
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.update :name => 'Test'
# updates field name in all records
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.update :name => 'Superman II', :where =>
#executes multi-line string statements too
{:empl​ o yee_id => 7}
plsql.employees.update :name => 'Superman II', :where => "​ e mp​ l oy​ e e_id
Select from a table/view
= 7"
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l ec​ t (:​ f irst, "​ O RDER BY employ​ e e_​ i d")
# updates field in table with a where condition
plsql.employees.first("ORDER BY employ​ e e_​ i d")
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.update :name => 'Superman II', :hire_date =>
{:empl​ o yee_id => 1, :name => 'James bond', :hire_date => '0007-​ 0 7-
Time.l​ o ca​ l (2​ 0 00​ , 01​ , 01), :where => "​ e mp​ l oy​ e e_id = 7"
# updates two fields in table with a where condition
# returns first row from a table
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l ec​ t (:​ f irst, "​ W HERE employ​ e e_id = :a", 2)
plsql.employees.first("WHERE employ​ e e_id = :a", 2)
plsql.employees.first(:employee_id => 2)
{:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :name => 'Tony Stark', :hire_date => nil}
# returns first row from a table with WHERE condition
By Jacek Gebal (jgebal)
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Published 19th July, 2015.
Last updated 19th July, 2015.
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