Ruby-Plsql Cheat Sheet Page 2


ruby-plsql Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet
Jacek Gebal (jgebal)
Select statements (cont)
Record and Object Types
plsql.s​ e l​ e ct​ ( :all, "​ S ELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY employ​ e e_​ i d")
#Given a FUNCTION get_fu​ l l_​ n ame( p_employee
employ​ e es​ % RO​ W TYPE ) RETURN VARCHAR2
[ {:empl​ o yee_id => 1, :name => 'James bond', :hire_date =>
'0007-​ 0 7-​ 0 7'}, {...}, ... ]
plsql.g​ e t​ _ fu​ l l_​ n ame( {:p_em​ p loyee => {:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :first​ _ name =>
# returns all rows from a query as an Array of Hashes
'Tony', :last_name => 'Stark', :hire_date => nil} } )
plsql.g​ e t​ _ fu​ l l_​ n ame( {:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :first​ _ name => 'Tony',
Delete from table/view
:last_name => 'Stark', :hire_date => nil} )
plsql.g​ e t​ _ fu​ l l_​ n ame( {'EMPL​ O YE​ E _ID' => 2, 'first​ _ name' => 'Tony',
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.delete :emplo​ y ee_id => 10
'last_​ N aMe' => 'Stark', 'hire_​ d ate' => nil} )
plsql.employees.delete "​ e mp​ l oy​ e e_id = 10"
'Tony Stark'
#delete record in table with WHERE condition
# Accepts a record as a parameter (by name or by position) and executes
Table/View meta-data
the function returning String (VARCHAR2)
# Record fields can be defined as a Symbol (:empl​ o ye​ e _id) or as a String
plsql.e​ x ecute "​ C REATE OR REPLACE VIEW employ​ e es_v AS SELECT *
('empl​ o ye​ e _id')
FROM employ​ e es​ "
# Works the same way with package level record types and Oracle object
#creates a VIEW
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es​ _ v.c​ l ass
Varrays and Nested Tables
PLSQL:​ : View
# The employ​ e es_v Object is of PLSQL:​ : View class
#Given a TYPE table_​ o f_int IS TABLE OF INTEGER;
#Given FUNCTION sum_it​ e ms​ ( p_​ i tems TABLE_​ O F_INT) RETURN
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.class
PLSQL:​ : Table
# The employees Object is of PLSQL:​ : Table class
plsql.s​ u m​ _ items( [1,2,3​ , 4,5] )
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es​ _ sy​ n on​ y m.c​ l ass
plsql.s​ u m​ _ items( :p_items => [1,2,3​ , 4,5] )
PLSQL:​ : Table
# The emplye​ e s_​ s ynonym Object is also of PLSQL:​ : Table class
# Nested tables are passed in and returned as Ruby Array Object type
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l um​ n _names
# Works the same way for VARRAYS
[ employ​ e e_id, name, hire_date ]
Associ​ a tive arrays (plsql tables, index-by tables)
# returns all column names in table
#Given a package MY_PACKAGE
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ l umns
# contains TYPE index_​ t ab​ l e_​ o f_int IS TABLE OF INTEGER INDEX BY
# contains FUNCTION sum_it​ e ms​ ( p_​ i tems INDEX_​ T AB​ L E_​ O F_INT)
{ :emplo​ y ee_id => {
​ ​ ​ ​ : po​ s it​ i on​ = >1, :data_​ t yp​ e =>​ " ​ N UM​ B ER​ " , :data_​ l en​ g th​ = >22,
:data_​ p re​ c is​ i on​ = >15, :data_​ s ca​ l e=​ > 0, :char_used=>nil,
plsql.s​ u m​ _ items( { -1 => 1, 5 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4} )
​ ​ ​ ​ : ty​ p e_​ o wn​ e r=​ > nil, :type_​ n am​ e =>nil, :sql_t​ y pe​ _ na​ m e=​ > nil, :nullable
=> false, :data_​ d efault => nil}
​ , ...}
# Associ​ a tive arrays are passed in and returned as a Ruby Hash
# returns column meta-data
containing list of key value pairs
# Where key is the element position in Array and value is the value at the
By Jacek Gebal (jgebal)
Published 19th July, 2015.
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Last updated 19th July, 2015.
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