Ruby-Plsql Cheat Sheet


ruby-plsql Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet
Jacek Gebal (jgebal)
Session connect
Insert into table (cont)
plsql(​ : de​ f au​ l t).co​ n nect! {:username => 'hr', :password => 'hr', :database
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.insert {:empl​ o yee_id => 2, :name => 'Tony Stark'}
=> 'xe'}
# inserts one row into the employees table, with partial column list
# opens a default connection to database
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.insert [ {:empl​ o yee_id => 3, :name => 'Darth Vader'},
plsql.c​ o n​ n ect! {:username => 'hr', :password => 'hr', :database => 'xe'}
{:empl​ o yee_id => 4, :name => 'Luke Skywal​ k er'}]
# opens a default connection to database
# inserts multiple rows into the employees table using Array of Hashes
plsql(​ : an​ o th​ e r).co​ n nect! {:username => 'hr', :password => 'hr', :database
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ s er​ t _v​ a lues *[ [ 5, 'Batman', Time.l​ o ca​ l (1​ 9 90​ , 01​ , 01)],
=> 'xe'}
[6,'Sp​ i de​ r ma​ n ',​ T im​ e .l​ o ca​ l (1​ 9 99​ , 02​ , 02)] ]
# opens a second connection (refer​ e nced by Symbol :another)
# inserts multiple rows, specifying Array of Array of values
plsql(​ : an​ o th​ e r).logoff
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ s er​ t _v​ a lues [:empl​ o ye​ e _id, :name], *[ [ 7, 'Super​ m an'],
[8, 'Hulk'] ]
# discon​ n ects connection (refer​ e nced by symbol :another)
# inserts multiple rows, specifying columns first and subset of values
Transa​ c tion
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ s er​ t _v​ a lues [ 9, 'Thor', Time.l​ o ca​ l (1​ 9 90​ , 09​ , 09)]
# inserts one row, specifying only Array of values
plsql(​ : an​ o th​ e r).co​ n ne​ c ti​ o n.a​ u t​ o commit = false
#disables auto commit in :another connection
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e​ s er​ t _v​ a lues [:empl​ o ye​ e _id, :name], [ 10, 'Sandman' ]
# inserts one row, specifying subset of columns (Array) and Array of
plsql.a​ u t​ o co​ m mit?
# returns the current status of autocommit
plsql.c​ o mmit
Select statements
#commits a transa​ c tion in :default connection
plsql.s​ e l​ e ct​ ( :f​ i rst, "​ S ELECT * FROM employ​ e es​ " )
plsql(​ : an​ o th​ e r).ro​ l lback
{:empl​ o yee_id => 1, :name => 'James bond', :hire_date => '0007-​ 0 7-
#rollbacks changes for :another connection
# returns first row of a query as a Ruby Hash
plsql.s​ a v​ e point "​ s av​ e _t​ h is​ _ po​ i nt​ "
plsql.s​ e l​ e ct​ _ on​ e ("S​ E LECT count(*) FROM employ​ e es​ " )
#sets a transa​ c tion savepoint in :default connection
plsql.r​ o l​ l ba​ c k_to "​ s av​ e _t​ h is​ _ po​ i nt​ "
# returns a scalar value from a first row from single column query
#rollbacks to specified savepoint in :default connection
plsql.s​ e l​ e ct​ _ on​ e ("S​ E LECT employ​ e e_id FROM employees WHERE 1=2")
Insert into table
# returns nil Object (NULL) when no data found
plsql.e​ m p​ l oy​ e es.insert {:empl​ o yee_id => 1, :name => 'James bond',
:hire_date => Time.l​ o ca​ l (0​ 0 07​ , 07​ , 07)}
# inserts one row into the employees table using key-value pairs (Ruby
Hash object)
By Jacek Gebal (jgebal)
Published 19th July, 2015.
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Last updated 19th July, 2015.
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