Proforma For Application For Advance From Provident Funds Page 2


(e) If advance is required for treatment of
ailing family members, following details
may be given :
Name of the patient and relationship :
Name of the Hospital/Dispensary/
Doctor where the patient is under-
Going the treatment
Whether outdoor/indoor patient
Whether reimbursement available
or not
In case of advance under 8(c) to 8(e), no certificate or documentary evidence would
be required.
Amount of the consolidated advance (item 6 and 7) and
Number of monthly instalments in which the consolidated
Advance is proposed to Rs.___________ in be repaid
____________ instalments.
Full particulars of the pecuniary circumstances of the
Subscriber, justifying the application for the advance
I certify that particulars given above are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief and that nothing has been concealed by me.
Signature of Applicant
Dated :
Designation …………………………


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