Menace Sound Works Event Agreement


Menace Sound Works Event Agreement
AGREEMENT made this _______ day of ________________, 20_______, by and between
hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser, and Menace Sound Works.
In consideration of the promises and the agreements herein contained and intending to be
legally bound hereby, the Parties do agree as follows:
1. The Purchaser hereby engages the DJ to provide a DJ Service. The service to be performed at
Event Location:
(Venue): _____________________________________________________________________
2. Menace Sound Works hereby agrees to provide a DJ Service for the Purchaser at the above
mentioned location.
3. The said DJ Service shall consist primarily of providing musical entertainment by means of a
recorded music format.
4. The Parties hereby agree that the DJ Service shall be provided and accepted on the following
date(s) and time(s) of the engagement:
Date: ___________________________________.
Start Time(s): ______AM/PM
Finish Time(s): ______AM/PM
5. The Purchaser in consideration of the DJ Service to be rendered by the DJ, and the mutual
promises contained herein, hereby agrees to pay to the DJ the following consideration:
A non-refundable reservation fee of $___________, is required to secure the services of
Menace Sound Works for the engagement. This amount shall be applied toward the
Performance Fee. The Performance Fee is $__________ for the time frame outlined above.


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