Basic Tips Cheat Sheet
When you're declarer:
Don't play to the first trick too quickly. Force yourself to stop and think when dummy
comes down.
Concentrate on the opening lead for a few seconds so you'll remember it later. Decide
what it tells you about the leader's length or strength in that suit.
Mentally review the bidding. If one of your opponents has bid, try to come up with a
general picture of his point-count and his length in the suit bid.
For most suit contracts, your general plan should be:
1 - Count your losers. Decide which ones can be disposed of or turned
into winners (by trumping, by finessing or by discarding them on a side
2 - If your plan calls for trumping one or more of your losers in the short-
trump hand (usually dummy), do that before you lead trumps -- even if
you have to give up tricks to set up the trumping position.
3 - Next, lead out your trumps, counting as the opponents follow to each
trick. (This will usually be your best approach if you have good honor
strength and/or length in one or more of the outside suits.)
4 - Attack your longest side suit. Give up your losers early.
5 - Last, cash honors in your short suits.
For most notrump contracts, your general plan should be:
1 - Count your winners. If you don't have enough top tricks to make your
contract, decide which suit offers you the best chance of creating more
2 - Attack that suit first (it will usually be your longest side suit). Give up
the tricks you have to lose early.
3 - Stick with one suit at a time. Keep leading it until you've established
your tricks (counting the defenders' cards as you go), then cash your
winners in the suit. When you move to a different suit, start counting
4 - Last, cash honors in your short suits.
When you're a defender:
Lead attacking combinations (suits with touching honors -- QJ10x, KQxx, etc.).
Don't lead unsupported aces (Ax, Axx, Axxx) unless it's the suit partner has bid.