Identify The Schedule Of Reinforcement Page 2


Identify the type of reinforcement or punishment
1. A child gets his toys taken away for fighting with his sister
Negative punishment
2. Daydreaming or doodling in a boring class
Negative reinforcement
3. A toddler is given a cookie after saying “please”
Positive reinforcement
4. Cleaning the house to get rid of a mess
Negative reinforcement
5. One person in a relationship stops talking to the other in response to a behavior
Negative punishment
6. An student is yelled at by a teacher for being late
Positive punishment
7. An student who is disruptive can no longer listen to music during work time
Negative punishment
8. Watching your favorite TV show after doing all of your homework
Positive reinforcement
9. Spanking a child
Positive punishment
10. Scratching an itchy insect bite
Negative reinforcement
11. Getting a speeding ticket for speeding
Positive punishment
12. Taking vitamins to avoid getting sick
Negative reinforcement
13. Yelling at a dog who jumps up on your neighbor
Positive punishment
14. Getting a candy bar after putting money into a vending machine
Positive reinforcement
15. Getting nauseous after eating rotten food
Positive punishment
16. A dolphin trainer walks away with a the fish bucket when a dolphin gets aggressive
Negative punishment
17. Getting praise after singing karaoke
Positive reinforcement
18. One person in a relationship stops talking to the other in response to a behavior
Negative punishment


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