Application To Register Domestic Animal(S) Page 2


The Domestic Animals Act 1994 requires all cats and dogs over 3 months of age to be registered with Council.
Penalties apply if not registered. Registration renewals must be paid by 10 April each year.
Regular Concession Categories
If you lose
• Check out our Facebook page 'Lost Animals In Knox' at
your pet
to see what has been
Dog that meets any of the following:
reported missing or found, or add your own lost/found report.
* Desexed;
• Contact Council on 9298 8000 between 8.30am and 5.00pm
Monday to Friday, or 8.30am and 8.00pm Tuesdays only, to
* Over 10 years old;
report your pet lost.
* Registered and owner current member of an
• If your details are not up-to-date, contact the RSPCA directly
approved association ;
on 9224 2222 to check if the pound has your animal.
• The RSPCA is located at 3 Burwood Highway Burwood East and
* Kept for breeding at licensed premises;
is open seven (7) days a week 9.00am to 5.00pm including
* Kept for working stock;
public holidays.
* Undergone obedience training which
complies with the regulations.
The personal information requested on this form is being
Dog Entire/ Unsterilised and not
collected by Council for the enforcement and administration of
animal control in accordance with Sections 10 & 18 of the
included in above
Domestic Animals Act 1994 .
Restricted Breed Dog
Declared Menacing Dog
The personal information will be used by Council and its
Declared Dangerous Dog
Contractors for that primary purpose or directly related purposes
and may be disclosed as required by law.
The applicant may apply to Council for access and/or amendment
of the information.
Cat that meets any of the following:
* Desexed;
A State Government levy of $3.50 for dog registration and $2.00
* Over 10 years old;
for cat registration is included in your pet’s registration fee. This
levy is primarily used to fund responsible pet ownership
* Current member of an approved association;
educational programs.
* Kept for breeding at licensed premises.
Cat unsterilised
Not only is it a State legislation requirement that your cat or dog
(medical exemption required)
wear its Council registration tag at all times (penalties apply), but
wearing the tag will assist Council to attempt to reunite your
animal – if it is lost.
A permit must be obtained to keep more than two dogs or cats
For persons eligible under the State Concession Act 2004
Excess Animal
(Pension card, concession card, War Widow entitlements or TPI
on a residential property. Contact Council’s Customer Service on
entitlements), a 50% concession rate applies for both maximum
9298 8000 for an application form or download one from our
and reduced fees unless specified above. This does not include
Health Care Card holders. Please present your card to receive
this concession.
Owners of unregistered animals - Maximum penalty up to
apply to
Certificate of
Once your registration fee is paid, this notice will be deemed
Owners of animals found wandering at large or not securely
to be your certificate of registration.
confined to premises - Maximum penalty of up to $1,517.00
A wilful omission or incorrect declaration - Penalty of up to
For entitlements to reduce registration fees the owner of the
Pets found not wearing a Council tag - Maximum penalty of up to
animal must produce proof of sterilisation (desexing certificate
or veterinary report), membership of approved association,
obedience papers, breeding license or tax return for proof of
Council may issue infringements for these offences. These
working dog status.
amounts are indexed by the State Treasurer on 1 July each year.
A dog that has undergone obedience training which complies
with regulations may be subject to reduced registration. To
Are your
You must notify Council in writing if there is any change in
be eligible, the training course must be approved by the
ownership of the animals on this application. Please ensure
Minister and undertaken by a trainer who is a member of an
contact details are kept current with Council and the microchip
organisation approved by the State Government Minister
registry that your pet is listed with.
(listing provided at ).
In Person
Payment by Mail
Present this form with your payment at:
Please attach this form and relevant sterilisation and
microchip documentation to your payment (by cheque
Civic Centre
or money order) and post to:
511 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South
Knox City Council
Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri – 8.30am to 5pm
Tues Only 8.30am to 8pm
511 Burwood Hwy
Wantirna South VIC 3152
Rowville Customer Service Centre
Do not send cash in the mail
Shop 32A Stud Park
Shopping Centre
Mon – Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm


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