Paper Windmill Template


To make your paper windmill,
1. Cut along the dotted lines.
you will need:
2. Colour and decorate, and write your prayers
on the sails. (You can also decorate the back of
the windmill).
• the template above*
• scissors
3. Using a pencil, carefully make five holes as
• a pencil
marked on the template.
• a split-pin fastener
4. Fold the sails into the centre so that all the
• a lump of Plasticine
holes are on top of each other. Push a split-pin
• a stick, pencil or drinking straw, to form
fastener through all five holes and into a lump
the stem of the windmill.
of Plasticine.
5. Attach the windmill to the stem using the lump
* For best results, construct your windmill
of Plasticine.
using thin card.
6. Take your windmill outside and see what the
wind can do!
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