Target Scavenger Hunt (Her List/his List)


Her List
His List
Something Red
Something Red
Something for Him to wear
Something for her to wear
Something to taste
Something to taste
Something pretty
Something pretty
Tim Tams
Tim Tams
Dora the Explorer
Dora the Explorer
Purple Earrings
Purple Earrings
Man’s Bag
Man’s Bag
Something that reminds you of him
Something that reminds you of her
A food you ate as a kid
A food you ate as a kid
Orange nail polish
Orange nail polish
Green underwear
Green underwear
A pillow with a number on it
A pillow with a number on it
Funny Sunglasses
Funny Sunglasses
A beverage to try tonight
A beverage to try tonight
A Candy that describes your husband
A Candy that describes your wife
The name of a Target employee __________
The name of a Target employee __________
Goggles (in winter) or Gloves (in summer)
Goggles (in winter) or Gloves (in summer)
Something under $1 that you’ll buy tonight
Something under $1 that you’ll buy tonight
Something he would never spend money on
Something she would never spend money on
Something you like the smell of
Something you like the smell of


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