Electronic Databases & Star Charts Lab Astronomy Worksheet Page 3


NASA Astrophysics Data System
Find the paper about the red dwarf-white dwarf eclipsing binary V471 Tau
that was published in 1979 announcing a discovery made by astronomers at
Iowa State University.
Title ________________________________________________________
Journal ______________________________________________________
Authors _____________________________________________________
What was discovered?
AAVSO CCD charts
Using Voyager, determine the sidereal time at the end of astronomical
twilight this evening. Find the variable star on the AAVSO CCD chart list
that is closest to the celestial meridian at the end of astronomical twilight.
Which star is closest to the celestial meridian? _______________________
What is the apparent visual magnitude (V) of the brightest comparison star
on this chart? ______________
Asteroid Lightcurves
Looking at the Potential Lightcurve Targets for October through December
2006 on the asteroid lightcurves website, determine which of the asteroids
listed will be brightest during this time period. (All asteroids listed have
either not had their rotation periods measured, or the period is poorly
Which asteroid is brightest? ______________________________________
What date is it expected to reach maximum brightness? _______________
What period and amplitude of brightness variations (if any) have been
measured for this object? ______________________________________
Astro 344L – Fall 2006


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