Adhd Homework Log Template


Homework Log
Using an organized system of reminders and checklists can help children keep up-to-date with their homework assignments for the week. The Homework Log allows your child
to remember not just his or her homework assignments for each day, but also the materials required to complete them, their due dates, and checkboxes to indicate whether
they have been turned in. Teachers vary in the way they assign homework; some expect the student to write down the assignment, in which case this Homework Log would be
helpful. In other cases the teacher may hand out each day's or a week's worth of assignments at a time, which could take the place of the log if they are kept in the binder.
This homework log should be updated daily by the child and verified and initialed by the parents.
Have your child update the Homework Log as they are given new assignments. Make sure your child indicates what materials are needed to complete the homework
assignment. Every night, verify that your child has finished the day's homework assignments, and/or your child has expressed a need for help (and will ask the teacher the
following day). Once you have verified this, initial the log.
Long-term projects are often divided into smaller, more manageable steps. These tasks can also be tracked using the Homework Log.
Make sure the Homework Log is kept in a safe place in your child's binder or book bag.
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