Emr Questionnaire Template Page 3


Be HL-7 compliant?
Have a uni-directional lab interface?
Document a set of vital signs?
Allow the user to add and maintain patient lists of allergies, problems, procedures, medications?
Be alerted of outstanding billing issues or payments due within the scheduling program?
Auto-send (fax server) a referral or consultation letter from the chart note during documentation?
Allow more than one user access to a patient's chart at the same time -(simultaneous access)?
Be designed for touch screen capability?
Have lab results auto-populate flow sheets?
Have my automated referral or consultation letters appear in a narrative format?
Allow the user to choose what data elements will appear on a flow sheet?
Offer handwriting recognition? (handwriting to text)?
Suggest possible dosages and signs for each medication?
Search through the patient education database by keyword, title or diagnosis?
Have a pre-loaded list of OTC medications?
Have transcription manager functions within the EMR?
Allow searching for patients multiple ways such as SS#, DOB, account #, phone no., sounds like?
Add an addendum to a chart note?
Have been installed in other Multi-Specialty practices?
Have medical necessity checking by CPT and ICD-9 codes?
Have an area to input a patient's advanced directives?
Have been designed specifically and uniquely for a Multi-Specialty environment.
Contain templates or pick-lists that were originally written by physicians in my specialty?
Allow the use of voice recognition software such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking® within the EMR?
Have symptoms or complaints linked to the ICD-9 codes for easy documentation of problems?
Have a form writing program that will allow the creation of custom forms or letters?
Place unsigned lab, radiology or scanned documents on a to-do list (a need to be signed list)?
Print-out a customized forms packet based on the situation - ex. new patient forms packet.
Input an image or medical diagram into a patient's chart?
Take digital images of patients and place them in the patient's chart (patient photograph)?
Customize the text that will be pulled into a letter based on lab test results?
Have security controls in place to prevent deletion or inappropriate alteration of medical data?
Contain on-line help?
Display some type of alert to notify that new lab results are back and need review?
Have drug to lab result warning?
Please return your completed questionnaire to an AccuStat EMR employee or fax to 800-261-0526
and we will contact you within 24 hours to review your results.
AccuStat EMR Questionnaire


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