Emr Questionnaire Template Page 2


Build and customize my own referral letters?
Have the ICD-9 and CPT codes updated throughout the year?
Perform online insurance eligibility verification with co-pay and deductible information?
Offer point and click templates?
Allow multiple diagnoses to be documented on the same chart note?
Track no-show appointments?
Maintain a log or audit trail of every users entry, modification or deletion of data within a patient's
Have a dose range alert system?
Show drug warnings based on diagnosis that have been entered (drug to diagnosis warning)?
Have a scheduling program reside in the EMR?
Attach the practice's logo onto the heading of all correspondence letters?
Allow the design of quick words or shortcuts which will elicit specific text macros?
Contain health maintenance guidelines?
Associate diagnosis with medications that were prescribed for that diagnosis, test or lab orders that
were placed for that diagnosis and find the corresponding chart note in which those associations
Have a role-based security system?
Support multiple ways of documenting?
Categorize the medication database (e.g. anti-infective agents, anti-inflammatory, analgesics,
hormones etc.) ?
Document telephone messages in a timely and efficient manner and have them become part of the
patient's chart?
Allow entry and removal of lot numbers for immunizations stock?
Support a mobile, wireless environment?
Have a bi-directional lab interface?
Allow the addition of multiple patient pharmacy preferences for a mail-in pharmacy as well as a local
Contain a fax server for automated outbound faxing (e.g. prescriptions, referral or consult letters,
images etc.)
Have the option to include a message as part of a patient's chart?
Store and have the ability to edit a patient's pharmacy preference?
Allow the creation of customizable plan protocols for each provider?
Have intuitive icons?
Track immunizations?
View multiple physician schedules and different locations on one screen?
Allow the addition of an allergy, medication, procedure or problem while documenting a chart note
and have these automatically added to the master lists?
Store a list of my most commonly prescribed medications?
Have a patient tracking system?
Allow a co-signature to a chart note such as a mid-level signature in addition to the physician's
Copy a current allergy, medication or problem list into a chart note?
Apply security controls to chart notes that will ensure that data cannot be edited or deleted once the
note is electronically signed or locked?
Have patient portal capability?
He notified of outstanding or delinquent lab or radiology results that have not returned in a pre-
determined amount of time?
AccuStat EMR Questionnaire


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