First Cbt Appointment - Prompt Page 4


CBT Assessment
Prompt Sheet
Use if preferred as simple checklist / prompt sheet
Describe the main problems
Can you think of a recent example when you felt…….?
Describe what happened.
Thoughts & Images, Emotions, Behaviours, Physical sensations (use 5 Aspects prompt form?)
Is this situation typical of what happens? Where is it most likely to happen? When does it happen?
Who are you most likely to be with? How does it happen?
How often does this happen?
How distressing? How long does it go on for when it happens? How does it usually start?
What helps?
What makes things better?
E.g. avoidance, substances, safety behaviours
Impact - How does this problem affect your daily life?
work, home, family/friends, study
Coping resources. What helps you cope generally?
Enjoyment, achievement, relationships, spirituality
What brings you to therapy now? At this time?
What do you hope to achieve in therapy? What will be different?
What medication do you take?
Do you use alcohol, drugs, tobacco, other substances? How much?
General mental state
Mood, concentration, memory, sleep, weight changes etc.
Risk – self-harm: thoughts, plans, likelihood to act etc.
Other risks?
What have you tried before? What helped? What didn’t help?
Previous therapy / treatment
Problem summary
Initial formulation
Give brief explanation of CBT
Check out understanding, any questions etc
Arrange next appointment


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