Nasa Counting Study Reporting Form


NASA   L andsat   C ounting   S tudy   R eporting   F orm  
Institution   n ame:   _ _______________________________             N ame   o f   p erson   c ompleting   t his   f orm:   _ _________________________  
Total   i nstitution   a ttendance   d uring   [ week(s)]   /   [ month(s)]   w hen   t he   o bservations   w ere   c onducted   ( please   p rovide   s eparate   n umbers   f or  
each   w eek   o r   m onth):   _ ______________________________________________________________________________________________  
Institution   h ours   o f   b usiness   f or   t he   e xhibit   h osting   p eriod:  
Business Hours: _____ [AM] / [PM] to ______ [AM] / [PM], Days (Circle all that apply): M T W Th F Sat Sun
Business Hours: _____ [AM] / [PM] to ______ [AM] / [PM], Days (Circle all that apply): M T W Th F Sat Sun
Note any holidays or special events:____________________________________________________________________________________
Final   C ounts:  
All groups:__________
All individuals:____________
Totals   o f     a ll   g roups/   a ll   i ndividuals  
Other   c omments:   I s   t here   a nything   e lse   r egarding   t his   a ctivity   t hat   y ou   w ould   l ike   t o   r eport   t o   N ASA   e valuators?    
Prepared   b y   t he   O regon   M useum   o f   S cience   a nd   I ndustry.   E valuation   a nd   V isitor   S tudies   D ivision  


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