Visits Abroad Form - Uk Scouts Page 4


Visit Abroad Process
• Members wish to plan a Visit Abroad (VA)
• Obtain a VA pack from ACC(I) (or equivalent) or downloaded from website.
• At the start of your planning, complete Part A of VA Form and submit to ACC(I) (or equivalent) for outline
approval from the relevant Commissioner to continue planning and identify training/support needs.
• Relevant Commissioner notifies applicant and ACC(I) of approval to continue planning and recruiting, or
reasons for rejection.
• Plan and arrange trip using the guidance contained in the VA Pack and International Web pages.
• Ask your ACC(I) (or equivalent) for support if necessary.
• Ensure that participants are involved in the planning of your trip and that parents of under 18s are clearly
informed of the programme and all intended activities.
• Ensure appropriate nights away permits are in place.
• Ensure activity permits and extensions are obtained for all Scout-led activities from the relevant
Commissioner, based upon the recommendations from an Assessor.
• During the planning process, share the following documents with your ACC(I): Itinerary and programme,
insurance policy, risk assessments, critical incident plan and full participant list.
• Plan your In Touch process and appoint an emergency home contact, update Parts A and B of VA form
(and finalised documents) and submit to ACC(I) (or equivalent) who will recommend approval from
relevant commissioner.
• Once approved ACC(I) (or equivalent) will submit VA form to HQ 6 weeks before departure.
• Within 3 months of return, review your trip and share your International experience with your relevant
Commissioner and ACC (I). Think about how you could share your experience with other sections to
inspire more international adventures! Upload your experience onto .uk


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